I have tons of stuff for crafting papery things. I have always loved paper and pretty things to put on it and make it in to. It just touches my heart in a very special way. This love of paper and all things pretty led me to a popular crafting company. Each month we would take turn being hostess (to earn free stuff) and attend a paper crafting workshop and make replicas of the card the demonstrator had been inspired to create. As a type “A” rule follower, mine had to be exact in every way or I just didn’t feel 100% happy about my effort. Even though I enjoyed the projects we replicated, I longed for times when we could just be together and do our own thing chatting happily as we worked. At each get together we would place a minimum order to help the hostess of the month earn free stuff.
Well, after a couple of years of this, I amassed quite the stock of paper, do dads, stamps, sticky stuff and more stuff. It takes up an entire corner of my office/workout room/studio. Being the type “A” rule follower, I found that I simply was unable to feel pleased with anything I created. If I did’t have this or that little piece of whatever to make it look exactly like the idea someone else created, I felt underwhelmed and disappointed. So it just was not worth the frustration I felt and my “stuff” sat there and gathered dust. So even though I wanted to be free to create and have fun, I couldn’t. I was so conflicted within myself at one point I wanted to give it all away. But, I didn’t and I am glad I didn’t.
Fast forward a few years later and much introspection, I decided I wanted to create a little tea bag box holder that would sit on my counter and hold my many favorite teas. And after moving my “stuff” and reorganizing it recently for the umpteenth time, I knew where every little bit of this or that was that I needed to attempt the box. I was tired of the fear of perfection holding me in paralysis and forged ahead with glee instead and created the cutest little tea box covering, in my own opinion (which is a huge step for me!). I can’t say the reception of my little creation from those around me was as spectacular as my own and with a little introspection, I learned a valuable lesson.
No one else knows exactly the obstacles I overcame in myself to get to this little point of joy in my life and (after some tears and said introspection) that is perfectly ok. But, I learned something from my experience of making that box (and another card, so cute!) that I truly appreciate and now is a part of me. I learned, that others may also labor and overcome obstacles to bring forth what makes their own heart sing! And now that I know how it feels, I can appreciate the fruit of their work so much more! Ah, such a good feeling!
Would love to hear how you overcame fear and paralysis to experience joy in your life! Or if you need a listening ear to unravel the “things” that seem to be holding you in place, we can work through them together (insert heart emoji here lol).